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In the architectural scene, the Philippines has plenty to boast about. Architectural wonders are spread all over the country. Most notably, the city of Manila - and older Filipino cities are home to plenty of the country’s most historic and impressive architectural structures. They are also home and the carrier of a rich culture and an even richer past, fraught with lessons to learn from.
However, what are the most valuable lessons from Philippine architecture? Some of the lessons we can learn from Filipino architecture are intrinsic and practical. They are the following:
If there is something that Filipino architects know how to deal with, it is the heat and the humid climate of the Philippines. In a hot country, you must construct a residence with plenty of openings and ventilation from which heat can effectively pass through. Ventilation is best known for helping reduce indoor air pollution. It also reduces and removes toxins from homes.
The most common and premiere example of structure in Filipino architecture that we can use is the Bahay na bato. The bahay na bato is an elevated form of the original bahay kubo. It was also a status symbol for Filipinos during the Spanish occupation era. The bahay na bato structure incorporates a courtyard/patio. This provides an additional private area for the family and allows more light and ventilation into the house.
The Value of Education
Filipino architecture has plenty of masters in the field of architecture. The more prolific and well-known names in the history of Filipino architecture include Felix Roxas y Arroyo, who designed the Sto. Domingo Church, Tamar Bautista Mapua, Jason Buensalido, Sarah Canlas, and Juan Nakpil.
What do all of them have in common? What all of them have in common is a good education. A good education can make all the difference, as having a good education can help set you a good foundation for a career in architecture. Plenty of prolific Filipino architects also sought learning opportunities by practicing their craft more and continuously creating.
In addition, valuing education can also extend to cultivating a love and appreciation for architecture, even from a young age.
A Rich Heritage
Most Filipinos often fail to miss how rich Filipino culture is - especially with our culture’s contributions and excellence in the arts field, with architecture included. Several generations of Filipino architects left behind awesome structures such as the National Museum, Manila’s Art Deco buildings, the Church of San Miguel Arcangel of Argao, and countless more structural gems.
For young people, these structures remind us of our country’s past glories and a distant past. In preserving and taking inspiration from the past, we bring pride in our identity as a people.
Notions Of Luxury
Modern Filipino architecture staples have some homes cool passively, with an overhanging large roof - and a sensitivity to wind direction, light, and natural views. These features take inspiration from the evolution of the bahay na bato structure - reminders of a distant past. Aside from that, however, modern Filipino architecture features align with the sensibilities of the modern Filipino regarding home living.
The architects of today's generation, though, have developed a unique and new luxury sensibility. For them, luxury now has ethics and conscience. Is the structure truthful, locally produced, and inclusive? These are some of the questions that they now ask.
APL Architects: A Testament To Filipino Architecture
Filipino architecture has come a long way. It still holds up well, especially considering our hot and humid weather. For your dream home, you can hire an architectural firm that knows how to work with our hot and humid weather.
APL Architects is a Philippine-based architectural firm specializing in luxury homes and resorts. It is also a testament to the growth and evolution of the Filipino architecture industry. For the last 20 years, we've been offering creative solutions and quality professional services. With APL Architects, you can rest assured that our team of professionals will deliver excellent service with detailed design and planning, whether residential, commercial, resort or warehouse architecture projects.